Below you will find the answers to our users’ most common questions. Should you require any more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Frequently asked questions


If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, it can be returned within a period of 2 weeks after receipt.

Returns and/or refunds cannot be accepted in the following cases:

  • the return period of 2 weeks has been exceeded
  • the garment has been used or is damaged
  • the manufacturer’s label has been removed or damaged

Instructions for care

Please carefully read the washing instructions for your Kimonoff on the manufacturer’s label.

Remove all accessories attached by means of a hook before any wash.

When you wash the garment at home:

  • use a product for delicate wash
  • do not soak the garment
  • use tepid water
  • do not scrub or use a any type of brush or scrubber

Iron the garment inside out.

Treat your Kimonoff with love!

Express delivery

Costs for Express lo The cost of shipping Express delivery is paid by the client

Shipping status

You will receive a confirmation mail as soon as you package leaves the warehouse of the shipping company. In this mail you will find a tracking number, by means of which you will be able to follow your package.

Important: the tracking number will activate approximately 1 working day after your package has left the warehouse. If the number is not currently active, please try again later.